
Check-in > Snorkeling


    2.ASKS To be admitted as a member of the sports club "Sea Spirit SSD ARL" for scuba diving, scuba courses, snorkeling P.IVA 03402030831 - Sede in Via Recanati 26, Giardini-Naxos (ME)

    DECLARES to be aware that the structure within which it performs sporting practice is constituted legally in the form of non-profit sports club with limited liability and is recognized by CONI.

    DECLARES also to have accepted the insurance policy for personal injuries provided by the affiliation of the company to protect its practitioners in the performance of institutional activities. The affiliated then declares to relieve the company itself of any compensation, even partial, not recognized or partially reimbursed by the insurance company concerned, for accidents and injuries that may occur before, during and after the activities. Declares to have understood the information on the use of personal data, pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, containing the new code regarding the protection of personal data. It allows their treatment to the extent necessary for the pursuit of statutory and institutional purposes. Pursuant to article 13 of the
    legislative decree n ° 196/2003, containing provisions on the new code regarding the protection of personal data, declares to be aware that the data provided will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned law and the confidentiality obligations, which will be treated only for institutional activities, therefore, strictly connected to the statutory activities and that the treatment will take place through the use of electronic or paper support, suitable to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the same. In relation to the aforementioned treatments, which may exercise the rights referred to in art. 7 of the d. lgs. N ° 196/2003 (cancellation, modification, opposition to treatment).

    I hereby assign all rights to the film, digital media, photography, sound recording and printed quotes thereof made of me during my participation in the Sea Spirit daily program by representatives of Sea Spirit SSD ARL, or their designee. I hereby authorize the reproduction, copyright, exhibition, and/or distribution of said materials worldwide without limitation for any purpose. Sea Spirit SSD ARL, or their designee, may use above mentioned materials for purposes of advertising, publicity and sales promotion. No money shall be due me for such use, now or in the future


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