
FAQ Sea Spirit COVID19

Risk Reduction in Diving

At Sea Spirit we are thrilled to start diving again and open our resort for all our divers, snorkelers, students and professionals! Of course, these years will be different from the previous ones because of COVID-19. So, at Sea Spirit, we will continue providing the best service possible by adjusting our protocols and taking measures to welcome our customers safely. At Sea Spirit, we were already implementing high safety standards for shop and dive equipment cleaning procedures – which have now been enhanced due to COVID-19.  To familiarize you with our updated procedures, we have created a ‘Frequently-Asked-Questions’, so we can inform you about our updated daily operations:

What has changed at Sea Spirit?

First of all, when arriving at Sea Spirit, you will still find a dedicated, passionate, professional crew with smiling eyes and a big heart – welcoming you to do what we all love: SCUBA DIVING and SNORKELING!

Is it safe to come to the Sea Spirit office inside the UNAHOTEL Naxos Beach?

Both UNAHOTEL Naxos Beach and Sea Spirit will follow the guidelines presented by the Italian Government and the local regulations to minimize the risk of transmission. Moreover, at Sea Spirit, we will follow the regulations created by the local coast guard and guidelines presented by Divers Alert Network (DAN). In addition, PADI Worldwide and PADI EMEA presented several webinars and documents with recommendations for dive centers and professionals to follow throughout their daily operations, which we will apply once we have reopened.

These are the main guidelines:

  • We recommend to book in advance, so we can complete paperwork online and prepare you for scuba diving and snorkeling immediately when you arrive at Sea Spirit
  • We will also ask you fill out the ‘DAN Health Declaration Form: COVID-19’ form
  • Only Sea Spirit customers will be allowed to enter the dive center premises
  • When arriving at the office, we will remain outside as much as possible – it’s mostly great weather in Sicily so let’s enjoy the fresh air!
  • We will provide disinfectant soap and gels in our office
  • Our office, bus and boats will be disinfected on a regular basis
  • We will ask you to take care of your personal belongings yourself
  • Sea Spirit will keep regulator second stages, masks and snorkels in separate spaces after cleaning
  • It’s recommended to bring your own water bottle
  • It’s recommended to pay by bank transfer or contactless card

Is it safe to use the rental equipment?

Yes, it is safe to use our rental equipment. We will disinfect all of our diving equipment. Former customers of Sea Spirit know that we do this already on a daily basis and have buckets especially reserved for regulators and masks. The Sea Spirit crew will disinfect the regulators, masks, snorkels. We will also disinfect the wetsuits and boots after each use and we’ll ensure ample space to let them dry separately from each other before they are returned to our ‘dry area’. Only the Sea Spirit crew is allowed to enter the ‘dry area’. The same precautions will be implemented when the crew is refilling tanks.

Customers who will bring their own equipment will get the opportunity to rinse their own equipment with a water hose. For the wetsuit we will have ample space to let it dry after use.

Can I still book a starter course like PADI Discover Scuba Diving or the PADI Open Water Diver Course?

Yes, we can still offer all PADI Courses, fun-diving for certified divers and snorkeling. Regarding the PADI Discover Scuba Diving and PADI Open Water Diver Course, if our dive professionals need to help at the surface, they will keep their regulators in at all times, mask on. During briefings, we will maintain distance at all times. Also, while we are on the surface (exiting or entering the boat), we will keep an appropriate distance. We will give you a more detailed briefing about practices upon entering the Sea Spirit premises and prior to diving or snorkeling. It’s nothing difficult – just common sense.

During the PADI Courses we will integrate the new updated skills to minimize the risk of transmission, so when you are certified, you will be able to dive world-wide after being trained according to the latest updates. We will teach you for example about ‘buddy checks’, ‘gas sharing’ and ‘assembling your scuba unit’, all according the updated recommendations to minimize the risk of transmission.

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